
false reflection.

the reflection continuously taunts me, stretching and skewing from every fastened point. the beauty holds true in others eyes, I suppose, or so they say. be that the case, why are these eyes, the windows to my soul, so clouded and glazed by false accusations? The truth seems clear on paper, written in it's perfected calligraphy, dancing across the page; "beauty is of the soul, not the skin, for the skin ages and withers but the soul holds true to itself." oh how these words can be read and comprehended, but upon returning to that reflection, the script decays and no longer seems real.



sleepless nights

never did I know how fragile my soul was til I felt it shatter like porcelain with that single blow. my nerves shake like the leaves in the wind as I watch you go. my strength resembles that of styrofoam, shattering and flaking with every break, holding on with all it has left. the numbness is becoming comforting. almost like the pain isn't there, that is, until I breathe. a single breath invites every needle point of my thoughts to distrupt the comfort of the numbness, stabbing their way through my flesh. it's okay, when my eyes close and I drift from this painfilled world into my unconsious, there you are. juggling my everso fragile heart. forever I'll chase you in hope that you do not drop it, for when I wake up, I'll know how it feels when you finally let go.


my bucket list

    Finish this list
Write a song
Write a book
Be in a movie
Travel across the country
Travel across the world
Become left handed
Get an MLIA posted 1/18/10
Enter and win contest
Get a 3.5
Save someone’s life
Donate to a charity
Wake up without an alarm
Learn guitar
Learn piano
Kiss in the rain
Bungee jump
Sky dive
Give blood 11/14/09
Graduate from college
Go to Disney world
Write my name in wet cement
Watch the sunset and sunrise in one sitting
Be in a play
Ride in a hot air balloon
Christmas in new york and paris
Go camping
Go fishing
Inspire someone
Give up soft drinks for a year
Take voice lessons
Learn to dance
Learn to juggle
Get a tattoo 4/7/10
Find the meaning of happiness
Write and submit a completed poem
Make someone proud
Take a road trip
Become an actress


lessons learned

As this semester winds down to a close i realize how much time i genuinely wasted. Every nap i took, every minute of television i watched, and every website i visited, i wasted hours upon hours of what i could have channeled toward keeping my scholarship. I have no idea where i stand as of right now. If i kept it, then God has been really gracious to the undeserving. If i did not, i consider it a lesson learned. 
Also i begin to realized that in these past 4 months, i have done a complete 180 and now view who i am and what i believe so much differently. now that i've spent the time on figuring out what i want to do, i have to start actually pursuing my dreams. i also want to spend the next year filled with self discovery. I know what my dreams are but its time for me to find if i'm good at it or not. if i am, i guess i've found my career. if not, lesson learned.




Procrastinating is by far my greatest downfall. If it was an Olympic sport, I’d probably find something to do other than train. It is one habit that I wish I never ‘d fallen into. Because if I hadn’t I think these journals would be a million times better. I think I wouldn’t be as stressed and I think I’d be overall a happier person. But no, I have to wait until the very last possible nanosecond to do anything. Between procrastinating and my love of sleep, I don’t know how I function. It’s unhealthy really. Oh, and eating. I love to eat. There’s a quote I absolutely love, “Oh boredom, why can’t you make me love exercise rather than food?” that is what I live by! There are 24 hours in a day, I spend maybe 10 sleeping 5 in class, and then what? There are nine other hours in my day that I can’t even recall what I do. Did I mention I sleep 10 hours? What college student in their right mind sleeps that much? That seems problematic to me. My goal for this year is to first find out what I’m doing with those 9 unused hours, and then once I do, I will substitute hour by hour with something productive. I’m hoping that once I complete this task I’ll becoming an exercise loving, sleep hating, healthy eating, ex-procrastinator. Then I’ll wake up from that dream, eat a Twinkie, turn on the TV and check my facebook.


investment or gamble?

To invest is to devote all time, effort, power, energy, and previous knowledge ensuring an outcome: an investment. To invest that same time, effort, power, energy and knowledge into an outcome of chance would be considered a gamble, in which you are ensured nothing. Dancers, actors, singers, etc. devote their lives to something that is unsure. They live for the gamble. They create a pathway for merely touching their dream. While some achieve their lifelong aspiration by purely knowing the right people or being at the right place at the right time, other dreamers fall short of their goal. They gamble everything they have on this one career, only to have a slim shot at succeeding. Why do they risk it? Because it’s their passion; it’s what they were born to do. My “investment” in academic success is a minute one compared to the gamble of the passionate. My reasoning? I have a fear: a fear of pursuing my passion. My investment to college is not one in the slightest compared to many of my peers. My aspiration of a degree is one that was placed on me by society. In no way do I hope to be a collegiate intellectual. I aspire to be molded by my journey in search of reaching my artistic dreams. I wish badly to have the strength to gamble myself in the artistic life from which my fears have kept me. My heart longs to be acting and dancing in the world of the unknown; a world that I am not guaranteed a paycheck to get me to the next bill. Instead of being where my heart wants to be, I am “investing” my time here because of a blatant fear. I do believe that it is important to be educated, for a mountainous struggle to an uneducated man may seem insignificant to his opposite. Nevertheless, I believe that education can only bring you so far into reaching what you long for in life. I myself have not “invested” anything but time here. I do not wish to be a graphic designer in my heart, but those in society have led me to believe that you will go nowhere in life by following your heart. They have told me that you need money to be successful, a job to have money, and an education to have a job. As much as I would like to believe that, I disagree with society. Conversely, They have put a bind on my heart and mind that I can go nowhere significant by pursuing my acting career. I have been told that only slight portions of those who try indeed succeed. I have seen the struggles of working class minus the degree first hand, and the lengths they have traveled to get to the place that they are. I have also seen those who appear happy in their chosen career that college has brought forth for them. An investment was made, and it was fulfilled. Investing involves risk. I applaud those who have risked loans to pursue an education. For they cannot be certain they’ll make it out with a diploma in one hand and a career in the other in order to repay them. Loans alone are a risk for no matter what the outcome of a college experience is, they must be returned. I, however, cannot even allow myself to say I am making a risk financially. I am here on scholarship, paid for by Nicholls State University to achieve the sanctified piece of cardstock placed inside a polished vinyl case at the end of my four years. The sanctified vinyl covered cardstock is more liable to assure you financial stability. People think that money can buy happiness and in no way do I agree. I believe in the gamble; throwing your all into something that you cannot ensure. All in all, my investment does not exist. I wish to gamble. I wish to make something of myself that I will be proud of. Curse the fear that rules my actions. If it were not for this fear, perhaps I could gamble my life away and create my story. The one I wish to tell over and over. I wish for my gambling to become an addiction; something my body thrives on. I have no desire to pursue a lifelong investment into something I am not passionate about. In my world, investments mean security, safety, and a guided path. I wish to break my fears and insecurities, walk down the path less traveled and honor my hearts wishes. My ambition is not to be wealthy in currency, but wealthy in the pleasure of my success.


my poor childhood.

i never:
had a bologna sandwich
watched beauty and the beast, bambi or the little mermaid
learned to color [lolz]
watched barney

i did however:
watch a lot of lion king, aladdin, and toy story
have light up shoes
have a geosafari

high school.

i cannot think of one thing high school was used for other than forming social anxiety and awkwardness for four years that becomes completely unnecessary the second after you graduate. maybe it was only like this at my small private school but it seemed as if everything generated in high school was made to make you feel inferior, superior, angry, loved, popular, cast aside, etc. from the stress of asking/getting asked to dances, to the constant worry of if your name would be on the window for detention, or if you were on honor roll or not, or who got voted court and such. i don't know how it works at other schools, but those contests and voting schemes were supposedly for the pointing out of those best representing what that institution stood for, when all that was ever really expressed were the most superior kids getting a crown to boost their self confidence and those who did not earn their lackluster tiara could go sit in a corner at a formal dinner in a dress they shouldn't have purchased due to the break it put in their financial backbone. Aside from the dances and contests and rules, i noticed that in the private school i attended, that the uniforms were the basis of individuality, ironically. the one's that ventured out to be different would be pointed out and sometimes 'disciplined' for breaking code. screw code, screw uniformity. this is why our world is full of mess ups and craziness. because we were bound for four mind-numbing years into a tight realm of constant competition. don't let things tear you down because soon, you'll find out they mean nothing. i digress. 


just a thought.

we strive our whole lives to become something thinking theres more out there when in reality we just reach senile attitudes and miserable existence. why can't we just eat drink and be merry? do we have to spend everyday hoping we meet someone special? or can we just live life with our best friends and not worry about heartache?
i just hate that i feel a certain way just by merely walking outside.. i just want to be able to tell him im done with you and i want to be your friend and nothing be wrong. and then i want to run away to california and make a living doing dramatic monologues. but no, you have to have a career and money and friends and family and food. why can't we just live for the sake of living? why has life been mass produced as means of survival? can't we just enjoy ourselves and love each day for the fact that we get to experience it?


spinning cycles

I don’t want to travel down this long road. It’s too many miles away from home. But you left me here all alone, to remember our times we shared and the memories and plans that we made. Now I’m fighting this war on my own. You could've told me I was wasting my time. I thought you meant it when you said you cared. Oh wait, that was me. Cold brick walls have never been more comfortable, the softness of the stone against my cheek. Every night when I feel you lying next to me, I wake up from that impossible dream. Why can't I breathe anymore? Is it because I miss your intoxicating presence suffocating me? Your voice became a drug, arresting my soul, captivating my spirit. Every single time I try to forget you, there you are, throwing my head into every emotion that I can imagine. The rollercoaster I’ve tried to avoid for so long, due to my constant sickness. Is it because you’re my adrenaline? Do I crave the pain you bring me? The heartache seems to no longer be worth it, yet I stay so close. At any moment you ask for me, I’ll still be here. I wait for you to bring me back my heart you’ve kept for so long. My longing for you will make me blind to your flaws, numb to your abuse, and sensitive to your love. No one will ever grasp why I hold onto you.. but then again, neither will I.