

Procrastinating is by far my greatest downfall. If it was an Olympic sport, I’d probably find something to do other than train. It is one habit that I wish I never ‘d fallen into. Because if I hadn’t I think these journals would be a million times better. I think I wouldn’t be as stressed and I think I’d be overall a happier person. But no, I have to wait until the very last possible nanosecond to do anything. Between procrastinating and my love of sleep, I don’t know how I function. It’s unhealthy really. Oh, and eating. I love to eat. There’s a quote I absolutely love, “Oh boredom, why can’t you make me love exercise rather than food?” that is what I live by! There are 24 hours in a day, I spend maybe 10 sleeping 5 in class, and then what? There are nine other hours in my day that I can’t even recall what I do. Did I mention I sleep 10 hours? What college student in their right mind sleeps that much? That seems problematic to me. My goal for this year is to first find out what I’m doing with those 9 unused hours, and then once I do, I will substitute hour by hour with something productive. I’m hoping that once I complete this task I’ll becoming an exercise loving, sleep hating, healthy eating, ex-procrastinator. Then I’ll wake up from that dream, eat a Twinkie, turn on the TV and check my facebook.


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