
my bucket list

    Finish this list
Write a song
Write a book
Be in a movie
Travel across the country
Travel across the world
Become left handed
Get an MLIA posted 1/18/10
Enter and win contest
Get a 3.5
Save someone’s life
Donate to a charity
Wake up without an alarm
Learn guitar
Learn piano
Kiss in the rain
Bungee jump
Sky dive
Give blood 11/14/09
Graduate from college
Go to Disney world
Write my name in wet cement
Watch the sunset and sunrise in one sitting
Be in a play
Ride in a hot air balloon
Christmas in new york and paris
Go camping
Go fishing
Inspire someone
Give up soft drinks for a year
Take voice lessons
Learn to dance
Learn to juggle
Get a tattoo 4/7/10
Find the meaning of happiness
Write and submit a completed poem
Make someone proud
Take a road trip
Become an actress

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