
finally putting this all into words

let me preface this blog with an apology. I'm sorry if this seems inappropriate or too much information for social networking, but i would like to share.

I have recently come to a conclusion about my personality. I talked somewhat about it in my previous post; i people please. I always thought i just didn't have opinions or that i was uneducated in certain aspects when i would get into debates or discussions of certain opinion based arguments. However, it has becoming overwhelmingly clear that i was just too afraid to offend anyone; or too afraid they would no longer view me in the same respect that they did prior to my opinionated statement. That being said, i would like to share something my beautiful sister, Hannah, showed me this morning.

The attached video is a man's poem to all women. He speaks of their importance; their beauty despite physical features. He pleas for women to see themselves for what they are, not what so many men have made them believe.
from a secular world view, i can see how it seems cheesy and unnecessary; but its entirely necessary.

It is necessary for ALL women (i said ALL) to see what their value is; to see who they are once labels, insecurities, past experience, and fears are stripped away. My apology from earlier towards the possibly inappropriate nature of my blog should be applied here:

I am a virgin. I am proud of it. It is a choice.

I am open about it and don't mind discussing it. I'm not embarrassed and i get a little enjoyment out of the apology i receive when people find out this fact; as if i am only a virgin because no one will have me.

I do not, however, shout it from the rooftops, make posters, or use it in my introduction to a stranger (although, i guess i'm kind of over sharing right now.. its for a purpose i promise).

I keep this tidbit to myself for the reason i always stay quiet. i don't want to make others feel uncomfortable. It's been my experience that people literally don't know how to process this information.

I say all this to make it clear that i have a purpose. It's not because i haven't been in a long term relationship yet, or that no one will sleep with me; its because i know God made me for a purpose. I know that he made each and every one of us to be GREAT and to do GREAT THINGS.
I believe that He loves me, no matter what. I have a tattoo of a sparrow on my side. I got it when i hit a low stage of insecurities; wondering if i was of any worth. i had been hurt and used just like anyone else has ever experienced in this world of ours, but it stuck with me. i questioned my value, my ability, my intelligence. I began to believe that i would always be in that place of numbness. I don't even remember when, but it was that beautiful timing God seems to have in my life. Right at my lowest, i found an old sketchbook i had. in it i had written:

"What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." Matthew 10:29

I had read that verse so many times, in so many other settings. but it then made sense. He takes care of all of His creations. He cares for every field rat and crow. He cares for the sparrow. HE CARES FOR ME.

I got the sparrow as a constant reminder. I am valued. I have worth. I am important. I am intelligent. I have potential.

It's been almost 2 years since i found that book and every day took more effort than i ever anticipated. I found achievement in the tiniest of things; getting out of bed before 3pm, paying a bill that was past due, emailing a professor about a missed assignment; the things go on and on. day to day, i felt like nothing changed, but two years later, i can see such a difference. I'm attaching the video to show all women and young girls, DON'T LET LIES DESTROY YOU. every false accusation that you believe is only to put you so far in darkness that you can no longer shine.

The man in this video is speaking TRUTH to you. it's almost hard to hear him speak because it is so easy to mock what he is saying. It is easier to mock than accept, easier to be numb than feel, easier to hide than stand tall.

I've run before. I have my hiding places. but i didn't want to hide this. If one girl could appreciate or take away anything i've said; I've served my purpose.

Remember to speak truth, believe truth, and face the lies with your greatness rather than accept them and falter.


A Man’s Promise from Christopher Beaudoin on Vimeo.

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