i am stubborn; the essence of being stubborn- being difficult to handle, to manage. am i supposed to be manageable? to manage something is to control it, to have it under one's power, completely regulated and restricted. you do not want to manage me, for i am stubborn. you cannot handle me; not because i am too much for you, and not because i have gone mad, but because i stand for something and i will not betray my beliefs. i stand for something very few respect presently. i stand for an idea, that once was an actual practice, but in fact remains solely an idea. i am stubborn.
i am unchangeable; plain. simple. exactly as it seems. i am not unchangeable due to my stubbornness. i am unchangeable due to my familiarity of myself. i am who i created myself to be, i have been this self forever. no matter how much you try to shape and mold me, i shall return to who i know myself to be, it is if fact all that i know.
i am rebellious; i will tell you now that my rebellion is different from the acts that you are most likely used to witnessing. i do not rebel against war, 'the man', unequal rights, etc. i rebel against what is becoming of those around me. i do not wish to be a clone of what i see. though i love each and every one of my peers dearly and deeply, i do not wish to be one in the same. i am me and i will forever be all that i know. rebellious? well that's how it seems.
i am unique; just like everyone else. i believe i can make a difference, just like everyone else. i believe i am different, i believe i am stubborn, i believe i am special, i am new, i am change yet unchangeable, i am a light to someone's darkness, an open arm to someone's weeping heart, and an answer to someone's confusion; just like everyone else. i do not wish to please you, nor prove to you that i am unique, because you as well as others have a standard. i am not entirely sure that i will ever meet this standard of yours, and i am content. i am content in knowing that i am unique, no matter how you feel.
i am fragile; please do not let my concrete visage fool you. i am only as strong as my weakest link. and my friend, you must know, my heart is as weak as ever, however the wall around it has never been stronger. although i am fragile, there's one thing you must know, you cannot break me. for i am stubborn, unchangeable, rebellious and unique; and not for one second will you fool me into believing different.