why are aspirations called dreams? dreams happen in the unconscious state. dreams occur without control. dreams are a faded thought. are they called dreams because they do actually occur without control; or does the effort put forth actually affect the outcome? or are they called dreams because they are mythical and unattainable? they can't be, because people have reached further beyond their dreams before...
everyday that passes is another wasted. a wasted opportunity, a wasted moment; just time not used to benefit the goal of reaching the unattainable.
most questions i ask are open ended.. who will i be? how many people will i inspire, hurt, or affect in general? why can't my questions be answered? hm. ironic.
sometimes a question is the only answer... but does it matter? or is the point of life to continue searching for that answer to keep you alive? because only when you find it is your time truly up. if you no longer ask, search or wonder... well is there even a point?