
false reflection.

the reflection continuously taunts me, stretching and skewing from every fastened point. the beauty holds true in others eyes, I suppose, or so they say. be that the case, why are these eyes, the windows to my soul, so clouded and glazed by false accusations? The truth seems clear on paper, written in it's perfected calligraphy, dancing across the page; "beauty is of the soul, not the skin, for the skin ages and withers but the soul holds true to itself." oh how these words can be read and comprehended, but upon returning to that reflection, the script decays and no longer seems real.



sleepless nights

never did I know how fragile my soul was til I felt it shatter like porcelain with that single blow. my nerves shake like the leaves in the wind as I watch you go. my strength resembles that of styrofoam, shattering and flaking with every break, holding on with all it has left. the numbness is becoming comforting. almost like the pain isn't there, that is, until I breathe. a single breath invites every needle point of my thoughts to distrupt the comfort of the numbness, stabbing their way through my flesh. it's okay, when my eyes close and I drift from this painfilled world into my unconsious, there you are. juggling my everso fragile heart. forever I'll chase you in hope that you do not drop it, for when I wake up, I'll know how it feels when you finally let go.


my bucket list

    Finish this list
Write a song
Write a book
Be in a movie
Travel across the country
Travel across the world
Become left handed
Get an MLIA posted 1/18/10
Enter and win contest
Get a 3.5
Save someone’s life
Donate to a charity
Wake up without an alarm
Learn guitar
Learn piano
Kiss in the rain
Bungee jump
Sky dive
Give blood 11/14/09
Graduate from college
Go to Disney world
Write my name in wet cement
Watch the sunset and sunrise in one sitting
Be in a play
Ride in a hot air balloon
Christmas in new york and paris
Go camping
Go fishing
Inspire someone
Give up soft drinks for a year
Take voice lessons
Learn to dance
Learn to juggle
Get a tattoo 4/7/10
Find the meaning of happiness
Write and submit a completed poem
Make someone proud
Take a road trip
Become an actress


lessons learned

As this semester winds down to a close i realize how much time i genuinely wasted. Every nap i took, every minute of television i watched, and every website i visited, i wasted hours upon hours of what i could have channeled toward keeping my scholarship. I have no idea where i stand as of right now. If i kept it, then God has been really gracious to the undeserving. If i did not, i consider it a lesson learned. 
Also i begin to realized that in these past 4 months, i have done a complete 180 and now view who i am and what i believe so much differently. now that i've spent the time on figuring out what i want to do, i have to start actually pursuing my dreams. i also want to spend the next year filled with self discovery. I know what my dreams are but its time for me to find if i'm good at it or not. if i am, i guess i've found my career. if not, lesson learned.